SNK to remake King of Fighters 94 for anniversary celebration

The third of three KOF titles to arrive this winter.

Posted by Staff
SNK Playmore has decided to celebrate the 10th anniversary of King of Fighters with a right royal re-release. Apart from the imminent King of Fighters: Maximum Impact and the PS2 release of King of Fighters 2003, SNK will also be bringing out a re-release of King of Fighters ’94. Whilst some hardcore fans would argue the ’94 release wasn’t necessarily the best of the bunch, it does seem appropriate for the series' tenth anniversary (it being 2004, in case you hadn’t noticed).

It has not yet been revealed as to what shape this remake will take, and SNK hasn't yet confirmed which platform(s) it will appear on. There would be potential for a tweaked engine and improved graphics, although an arcade perfect conversion would be more in the spirit of SNK’s celebration. Perhaps the best option would be a revised remake bundled with a straight port?

King of Fighters ’94 is headed for release at the beginning of December, so further details should be forthcoming before then. One thing is for certain: King of Fighters fans are going to be thoroughly spoilt for choice this coming winter, with three separate titles and the official KOF:MI arcade stick all vying for their loot. What's more, for the KOF completists, each of the three games will be an essential purchase because only by buying all of these can fans send off for their free "Pinky's Street" figurines - superdeformed toys based on King of Fighters characters.


Joji 13 Aug 2004 11:12
Nice to see 2D beat em ups getting some attention. I think they should spread the net further than just PS2, especially with Xbox Live also seeing SF: AE is doing that. Online beat em ups are few on consoles, so they should do their best to exploit this angle.

SNK should also consider some arcade ports to hand held of their back catalogue. More KOF in a collection would be nice. Also give us some of those figurines for being a good customer.
Mecha Ghandi 13 Aug 2004 12:06
Joji wrote:

SNK should also
>consider some arcade ports to hand held of their
>back catalogue. More KOF in a collection would be

I most definitely agree with that. I'm a big SNK fan, but I think they're overly precious with games that are frankly out-dated.

Meal Slug Advance just goes to show how well old NeoGeo games work on GBA, and if those were to come in collections, that would be awesome.

I'd pay handsomely for a KOF colection, a Metal slug collection, a Fatal Fury collection, a Samurai Showdown collection...

And btw SNK, where is the remake of Neo drift out? I want it now.

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