Earlier in the week we revealed that a job vacancy on Climax’s website pointed to a sequel to the Xbox RPG, Sudeki. Although this was unexpected news, it seemed a feasible prospect. Today, however, Climax has said that this was a ‘typographical error’.
So, let’s get this right this time... when a member of Climax's staff wrote ‘Sudeki 2’ as one of the games that the company ‘is developing’ in a paragraph containing only unreleased games, they had actually meant to write ‘Sudeki’ - a game that has already been developed - presumably in a separate paragraph.
Excuse us for donning our cynical-hats, but this retraction is not entirely convincing. Having explained the typo, Climax went on to say "As Microsoft holds the IP to the game, Climax would not announce a sequel unless Microsoft approved the project to be done and chose Climax as the developer.”
Could this be a case of Microsoft exercising its authority and pointing out that Climax had no right to announce a sequel in such an accidental fashion? Perhaps. Or maybe it was just a genuine mistake after all.
Officially, there is no Sudeki 2, but if anything does change, we’ll be onto it immediately.