EA acquires Criterion - RenderWare to power giant's future

Criterion, Black and Burnout swallowed up

Posted by Staff
EA acquires Criterion - RenderWare to power giant's future
As Electronic Arts continues to strive towards the inevitable oligopolisation of the games publishing industry, it has taken another bold step in asserting its central position. As announced today, EA has acquired development studio Criterion in its entirety. This deal will therefore include Renderware middleware technology, as well as all rights to the upcoming FPS: Black, supplementing the Burnout name which had been snatched up several months prior.

EA has confirmed that it will continue to license out Renderware, and indeed Renderware 4: for next-gen purposes, to its competitors. This will mean that the large number of publishers and developers who make use of this middleware will actually have to hand cash over directly to EA. That’s got to be a difficult pill to swallow!

For fairly obvious reasons, EA is well-pleased with its new toy: and will no doubt be reaping the financial rewards in the near future. Similarly, Criterion is very positive about the role of its new guardian angel. Given access to the vast resources of a corporation as big as EA, its development and technological skills should go from strength to strength.


Twisted23 28 Jul 2004 13:37
I hope Criterion are given a decent amount of independence but still I don't hold out much hope all developers seem to go down in quality after EA buy them (remember what happened to Bullfrog). Still it will be interesting to see what happens to Renderware.
Joji 28 Jul 2004 14:29
A developers worst nightmare or a dream come true? Criterion will love the extra funding, but may lose it's independance and may result in making Burnout sequels forever. Lets hope not.

Yes I remember Bullfrog's decline, so this might be another developer disappearing into the hungry corporate jaws of EA. It seem resistance is futile with these lot. I bet EA are licking their chops over taking money for Renderware from smaller softcos. Definitely a case of the rich getting richer, and maybe us losing out.
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DoctorDee 28 Jul 2004 18:01
Twisted23 wrote:

>developers seem to go down in quality
>after EA buy them (remember what happened to

Was this maybe not what happened to Bullfrog after Pete Molyneux left them?
Twisted23 28 Jul 2004 21:20
and why do you think Peter Molenuex left? Thats right, because of the corporate pressures imposed by EA on him and Bullfrog.

EDIT: spelling
config 29 Jul 2004 11:21
Twisted23 wrote:

>and why do you think Peter Molenuex left? Thats
>right, because of the corporate pressures imposed
>by EA on him and Bullfrog.

Pete left because he wasn't confortable with the increased amount of management he was doing over the actual development of games (IIRC)

I'd guess he set up Lionhead's "fabled" satellite studio Blue Blue Box for the very same reasons.

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