Microsoft Japan Hint at Mysterious New Xbox Project

Something secret’s in the works – and it needs staff.

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TFLO is dead, long live something else!
TFLO is dead, long live something else!
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According to a recent update on the Microsoft Game Studios Japanese website, the team is recruiting to fill ten new vacancies. Whatever this new project might be, it apparently requires one level designer, a few software engineers and several artists and designers.

Rather excitingly, Microsoft has called this a ‘confidential project’ and is shedding absolutely no light on its proposed content. However, after the recent cancellation of True Fantasy Live Online, there are several avenues of possibility. Could this be a re-working of what had been developed up until its cancellation? Or could this be an entirely new game in the works? Could it be Next-Box related?

It’s difficult to make a sensible guess with the scant information available, but it’s sure to reflect Microsoft’s need to promote the Xbox in Japan. Even if this secret project doesn’t completely reverse these regional misfortunes for MS, it could still be a crucial branding exercise with which to lay the groundwork for the next-gen battle. Microsoft still needs to prove its understanding and appreciation of the Japanese market, and aside from Phantom Dust, this could be its only opportunity to do so.


Joji 23 Jul 2004 12:00
Should be interesting to see what they have in mind. Perhaps they are building their own japanese softco to get those games created for the japanese market Xbox2 launch. Perhaps kind of like a japanese wing like Rare.

There's clearly a lot of untapped talent in japan, since their education system supports this industry a hell of a lot more than anywhere else in the world. It might be a little easier to start creating games for japan if you have a specific japanese wing of your own, with a clear understanding of japanese tastes. Maybe then MS might have a better chance in japan then. We'll know the truth soon.
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