Make Room for More Silent Hill 4 Screens

More nasty pics from Konami’s house of horrors.

Posted by Staff
In case there was any doubt that Silent Hill 4 is still a horror game, here’s a new bunch of screenshots from SH4: The Room just to hammer the point home. There’ll be no cel-shading or cutesy visuals here. Instead, these latest images work as an A-Z of scary things that induce nightmares and/or make small children cry.

In between the axes, circular buzzsaws, spiked ceilings, giant scorpions and huge faces of scarred, squinting teenage girls, the main character is seen in a variety of ‘I’m really frightened’ poses. The ‘Argh! I’m on fire’ look is particularly convincing.

The Japanese version is on shelves now, with English-speaking translations to follow later in the summer. SH4 will be released on Xbox and PS2 first, with a PC version arriving towards the end of the year.


Joji 21 Jun 2004 16:47
Looks nice, but I'm more up for RE4. We'll see I might bag it.

Konami gonna have some ground to cover to catch up with RE4.
Pandaman 22 Jun 2004 07:24
RE4 will probably be the better game, but I appreciate the Silent Hill/Eternal Darkness type of horror game more.
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Brown Force 22 Jun 2004 09:51
Yeah RE4 looks better. But Silent Hill 4 will most likely have the better story. Well in my opinion. Resident Evil has never really frightened me. Just entertained me, as I see it more as an Survival/Action game. Silent Hill just plain creeps me out...and I like it. Hence why I think the Survival/Horror genre is more than big enough for the two of them and they both sit at oposite ends of the spectrum.
Mattyd242 22 Jun 2004 12:08
I much prefer the screwed-up psychological horror of SH to the B-movie shlock of RE, though I must confess that RE has the edge from a purely gameplay point of view. Silent Hill's unique style, depth and narrative are all that seperates it from being a cookie-cutter survival horror title.
DoctorDee 22 Jun 2004 13:04
Brown Force wrote:

>Resident Evil has never really
>frightened me.

Really. That first time with the dogs made me poo my pants.

Certainly the most frightening bit of any game ever in my book. It was the tension and the suspense that did it.
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