New Super Monkey Ball Confirmed by Nagoshi

Deluxe takes shape.

Posted by Staff
Shot from Super Monkey Ball 2
Shot from Super Monkey Ball 2
In a recent interview, famed whiskey-loving Sega producer Toshihiro Nagoshi confirmed at last that there is a new game in the Super Monkey Ball series.

After a somewhat ridiculous game of charades, Nagoshi-san said, “We do realise that [Super Monkey Ball] is a popular game so certainly we've been working on the next version, but I can't comment on that at this time.”

This lies in direct conflict to information we received via official channels from Sega Europe just yesterday, when we were told, “At this point a new game [in the Super Monkey Ball series] does not exist,” highlighting perhaps the key reason for frustration felt with Sega’s information flow.

We’ll bring you full updates on all things Super Monkey Ball, without question one of the most important game series of the current generation, right here, as it breaks.


Joji 18 Jun 2004 10:34
Cool for PS2 people without GC access. SMB is up there with Mario Kart for simple fun gaming.
Pandaman 19 Jun 2004 04:20
This also marks the first time a reporter has ever reported on the state of a third monkey ball.
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