Rocky Legends on the Ropes

You looking for a smack in the mouth?

Posted by Staff
The first Rocky game was an entertaining affair, particularly when the other boxing-based alternatives were of the bantamweight variety. For Sly buffs, it was an honourable translation of the movies, incorporating everyone’s favourite bruisers, right down to Bad Attitude Baracus as Clubber Lang.

Ubisoft and Venom had, however, boxed themselves into a corner with their all-embracing approach. Each of the three Rocky films had been bled of their potential, with few options left for a videogame sequel. Hence, Rocky Legends is a prequel. MGM has given full permission for new story arcs to be created for Clubber Lang and Ivan Drago, who will now be playable as characters in the single player career mode. But devotees may find such disloyalty unwelcome.

It could still be a solid romp though. October will bring the proof.


SillySprout 18 May 2004 11:58
A solid romp? Can't wait!
joeBlade 18 May 2004 14:53
SillySprout wrote:

>A solid romp? Can't wait!

First you pick up on somebody "nodding off" and now you pick up on the term "solid romp"

You sir have a one track gutter and I claim my five pounds

Joji 18 May 2004 19:39
Bring it on. I thoroughly enjoyed the last Rocky game. One of the things that made the game stand out were the training sections, which are still strangely addictive. Been wanting to beat the life out of Dolph Lungren for ages too, and I finally got my chance.

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