Splatterhouse! It Lives!

Coin-op classic set for re-work at Namco.

Posted by Staff
Splatterhouse! It Lives!
We have learned that Namco is currently reviewing a whole bunch of its historically successful IP, including the beloved violence-a-thon Splatterhouse, which is believed to have already been granted the green light.

According to various sources, the game will be released within this financial year and, as GameSpot's essential Rumor Contol section puts it, "...bringing back Splatterhouse would make perfect business sense for Namco, since it would tap into both the current craze for ultra-violent gameplay and arcade re-releases (which Namco Museum already exploited). Furthermore, the game has already proven a success on consoles - its two sequels were released directly for the Sega Genesis".

As some of our older, seedier arcade-frequenting readers will remember, Splatterhouse was a massive hit in the arcades and provoked an impressive backlash at the time of its release. Featuring a masked Jason 'Friday the 13th' Vorhees clone that wonderfully demonstrated the game industry's lack of respect for the IP of others during the era, the Namco side-scrolling bloodletter was the most violent thing we remember seeing on public play during the late 80's.

As to how the franchise will be reborn remains to be seen, though you can be assured of constant updates right here, as they break.


Joji 4 May 2004 14:42
More stuff going to PS2 I bet. How about that Tekken series compilation now Namco? Or Perhaps even a Ridge Racer compilation?

Nice to see Splatterhouse again though.
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