New Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Details

Solid Snake gets to grips in the jungle.

Posted by Staff
Kojima's third masterpiece may be a long way from completion, but Konami recently announced further details on the game's new play mechanic recently, giving even more of a boost to the MGS3 hyperbole.

As was revealed early on in development, MGS 3 takes place primarily in a jungle environment and that the usual stealth tactics will be employed. But what you don't know is that two brand new playing styles are to be implemented as well.

The 'Camouflage Index' system speaks for itself, measuring how well Snake is disguised when factoring in posture, costume and face-paint. At 100% camouflage, Snake becomes virtually invisible when standing perfectly still or when crouching in long grass. More stealth, then.

The second is 'CQC', or 'Close Quarters Combat'. This serves as a means to rectify MGS and MGS2's clunky hand-to-hand combat. Players are now offered a complete library of offensive moves and are able to tackle several adversaries at any one time. The intricacies of this system aren't yet known.

Expect more on Metal Gear Solid 3 and Konami at this year's E3.


Funky 1 Apr 2004 10:59
Sweet, can't wait for MGS3. Hopefully some peon won't ruin the ending like they did MGS2.
SPInGSPOnG 1 Apr 2004 16:34
Funky wrote:

>Sweet, can't wait for MGS3. Hopefully some peon
>won't ruin the ending like they did MGS2.

Ha, a news story about MGS - that stuff they ram loads of in Chinesian food - an April Fool and no mistake.
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