King of Fighters: Maximum Impact gets Dedicated Website

New images released too.

Posted by Staff
KOFMI.COM is the place all fighting fans should be heading from now on. Forget about Capcom and their creaky old Street Fighter 3rd Strike threat - King of Fighters is where it's at, and the recently announced King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - due for stateside release on PS2 this autumn - now has its own dedicated website. SNK NEOGEO USA promise that the site will be updated regularly with information on new characters, new screens and movies in the run up to the game's release.

"We recognise that the video game category is evolving. We've created KOF: Maximum Impact in recognition of that expansion, commented Ben Herman, SNK NEOGEO USA Consumer Corporation President. "Now our fans will be able to enjoy the best of both worlds. In addition to incredible 3D versions of many of our gaming franchises, we will continue to develop our 2D arcade licenses as well. With our announcement to begin development for the Sammy Atomiswave arcade system we are looking to advance our capabilities for our 2D fans. We will continue to develop the best games that we can for our loyal fanbase in both 2D and 3D."

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact hasn't been given a date for a European release...yet. Our fingers are crossed.


sue_raas 1 Apr 2004 11:49
SPInGSPOnG 1 Apr 2004 16:32
Sue Raas wrote:


COmputer game gets dedicated website. This is the april fool story, isn't it. Go on, it must be. No one is so sad-assed as to make a whole news story abot the fact that a game that no-one cares about has got a web site.

more comments below our sponsor's message
QuaiD 1 Apr 2004 23:12
Games released some new screens and character pics too, or didn't you notice that? And Rod Todd, how come you call yourself a fighting god and don't care about a new King of Fighters game? One of spongs writers obviously cares about thes type of game cos they keep writing about them even though they rarely come out in the UK. If your reading this, you should give it a rest.
SPInGSPOnG 2 Apr 2004 08:31
QuaiD wrote:

I'm a god of fighting.

Hitting people, kicking them, ducking, dodging, blocking, punching. In the street, late at night, after a few beers.

There's more to life than games.
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