Gooka: The Mystery of Janatris

Games with daft names Number 423 - the latest in an occasional series.

Posted by Staff
This takes some beating. June 2004 sees the release of the bizarrely named Gooka: The Mystery of Janatris, a point-and-click adventure promising a mixture of "...elements from different styles of games", according to the press release. Maybe developer Centauri Production couldn't agree on one specific genre, who knows...

Another attention-grabbing factor with Gooka is the central character is a telepathic judge. Imagine that - a judge with telepathic powers! He must be really good at judging stuff! Gooka's ability allows him to see into the minds of others and affect their actions – a useful tool in the fight against evil on Janatris.

Enough with the levity. Gooka's story begins with the kidnapping of his son, his wife being taken ill, and his house burning to the ground. What follows is a whole lotta pointing and clicking to find out who's responsible for causing Gooka all this trouble and sorrow.

This kind of game doesn't come along too often these days, so get those pre-orders in ASAP. Gooka: The Mystery of Janatris (stop laughing at the back!) is released by Cenega this summer.


QuaiD 26 Mar 2004 15:24
Gooka is a stupid name, and a ridiculous name for a judge, even stupider than Judge Pickles. But what really confuses me is this: why does s**t like this get released in the UK? Some former Eastern Bloc s**thole makes another boring point and click game to add to the already too long list of boring point and click games, gives it a 'mysterious' title, and we're supposed to welcome it? B******s. This type of game should have been outlawed ages ago. "Pointing and clicking" is not the future.
Joji 27 Mar 2004 22:22
Sure is a bizarre arse name for a game. I won't be good, if the good judge just goes around judging people in the game. Dude, the bastard judge is giving me 6 years inside, for calling his ill wife, a fat lazy byatch. It's not a fair cop. I best give Hitman 47 a call, to put a slug in his chest. Point and click b******s.... more like point, click, bang and dead.
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