Gran Turismo 4 Prologue Europe-bound

Aperitif racer to bridge online dev-strife.

Posted by Staff
Sony Computer Entertainment has confirmed that the cracking little Gran Turismo 4 demo GT4 Prologue will see an official release in Europe, in what is a gap-bridging exercise, as the wait for the final game becomes increasingly frustrating.

Due to hit Europe on May 14 this year, the 'gamelet' will feature the same behind the scenes footage as was enjoyed in the Mandarin and Japanese versions, as well as a bundle of other Euro-centric, as-yet undisclosed car goodies, all wrapped in collectable packaging of some description.

The game, which impressively features 50 cars and five circuits, is expected to go on sale at about the £20 mark. We’ll bring you PAL box art and shots in the coming weeks.


sue_raas 22 Mar 2004 15:22
Anyone buying this wants their bumps feeling. Five circuits? That's a joke. Sony ought to guarantee some kind of trade against the full game for anyone dumb enought to buy Prologue.
SPInGSPOnG 23 Mar 2004 12:28
Dude, this is insanity gone mad.

All GT4 will have over previous in-car-nations will be new cars, extra tracks, and maybe greater graphical loveliness.

By blowing their wad early in releasing GT4Pro-log Sega/Poly-phony are giving away the farm.

Who is going to want GT4 when they've seen the new graphical loveliness, and they realise that it doesn't include car deformation?

Unless GT4 has some major new cool cars, and some major new cool tracks, Prole-hog will kill it dead, like a very dead thing with a particlurarly good reason for being dead. dot com.
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