When cartoons attack! Latest bloodbath Killer 7 images!

Capcom cel-shaded innovator brimming with claret

Posted by Staff
It lives! We have received official word from Capcom that a fairly advanced version of the incredible looking cel-shaded action blaster is doing the rounds, with the latest screenshots being presented here for your viewing pleasure.

It would seem that the game has evolved somewhat since its conception two years ago into something of darker beast, with classic anime lines blending with film noir lighting and mood-rich environments.

In what has to be seen as a significant twist for the standard gangster outing expected, there would appear to be some kind of genetic modification subplot taking the game further than most had expected - interesting indeed.

Killer 7 for PlayStation 2 and GameCube is expected to hit stores across the world in time for Christmas. We'll bring you hands-on impressions just as soon as they become available.


Joji 18 Mar 2004 15:06
Capcom are on a bit of a high. What have they been drinking or smoking? Whatever it is it's working. Lets hope the game is a real killer. Looks damn good already, so i hope it doesn't turn out like old cheesy Devil May Cry 2, a pale shadow of it's former self.
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