Shenmue III: Digital Rex torture continues - New artwork

New website, new art, new feeling of helplessness.

Posted by Staff
Yu Suzuki’s Digital Rex studio, which is now seemingly in charge of all things Shenmue, has again posted a revamped website for the seminal series, bringing a new feeling of angst to rampantly loyal fans of the series.

The site contains some new artwork and provides a general base for all things Shenmue - a strange move to make for a series that hasn’t seen a release for more than a year.

And it is for this reason that talk of Shenmue 3 refuses to go away. Languishing in the same state as NICO, Virtua Fighter 5 and so on, the unannounced game is beginning to really niggle Sega’s fans, and this kind of thing simply makes things worse.

It is worth bearing in mind that across Japan, Shenmue is a massive series, seeing DVD, CD and toy sales rate amongst Sega’s best sellers, so the revamped site may well be a reflection of this. However, what everyone really wants is a new game, a true sequel to what is one of the most important series in videogaming history.

Enjoy the new bits and bobs for now and stay tuned. We’ll bring you everything on the Shenmue series right here, as it breaks.


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