Square Enix to Launch Global Radio Station

Final Fantasy tune overload set to rock world.

Posted by Staff
There is a deep divide in the Final Fantasy camp, wherein the incurably loyal fanbase argue over the merits of the various soundtracks on offer in the eleven games released. Some traitors even claim to not like any of the music, though these dissenters are rapidly eaten by Malboros and Tonberries.

Anyway, as a thank you to gamers, Square Enix has announced a deal with AOL that will see over 200 tracks taken from the Final Fantasy series made available online.

The tunes can be heard using Radio@AOL, Radio@AOL for Broadband and Radio@Netscape. Search under the "Soundtracks & More" sections.

Launching on November 18 and running through until April of next year, tunes will comprise a sizeable collection taken from Final Fantasies VII, VIII, IX, X and XI, as well as the Rise of Zilart Expansion.


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