New Sega games shown – no Virtua Fighter Quest. Yet…

Ninjas, Puyo and more.

Posted by Staff
At a pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference yesterday, Sega Japan revealed part of its Tokyo Game Show line-up, showing several new games for the first time.

Not including the newly announced Sega Ages titles, the list reads:

AstroBoy (GBA) - December 18
Derby Tsukuru 3 (Multi) - December TBA
Dororo (PS2) - Spring 2004
Island of Kaiju (GameCube) - Winter TBA
Kunoichi (PS2) - December 4
Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II Plus (GameCube) - November 27
Pro-Baseball Team Builder 2003 (PS2) - November 20
Puyo Puyo Fever (Multi) - Winter TBA
Sonic Battle (GBA) - December 4
Sonic Heroes (Multiplatform) - December TBA

Little in the way of specifics were revealed, other than those regarding why GameCube owners should buy a new version of PSO. Apparently, older deleted quests will be re-included for offline play, a massive all-new five level quest set in the PSO2 world is thrown in, there will be a plethora of new items, and Puyo Puyo and NiGHTS will be available to play. As to whether this is a new version of PSO NiGHTS was not revealed.

A release outside of Japan was not mentioned.

Impressively, Kunoichi, the follow-up to PlayStation 2’s Shinobi was shown, and was well received.

To the dismay of all in attendance, Virtua Fighter Quest, the egg-headed RPG set for GameCube based around Suzuki’s seminal fighter, was not announced. Sega has confirmed the existence of the game many times, so the general consensus is that VF Quest will be this year’s TGS showstopper.

Let’s hope so…


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