Vivendi struggles to differentiate Valve's elbow and bottom

Half-Life 2 delayed/not delayed fiasco rolls on

Posted by Staff
Vivendi struggles to differentiate Valve's elbow and bottom
Yesterday Vivendi told the world that Valve would be unable to meet the original shipping date for the massively anticipated Half-Life 2, with the game slipping to December.

Today Vivendi has changed its mind, stating: "Valve is still working toward the Sept 30 ship date."


It is well known that the relationship between Valve and Vivendi is similar to that of id and Activision. The developer wears the trousers. Vivendi insiders speak of the ridiculous overbearing nature of Valve, the continual sucking up and the ego-madness endured.

And about time too - good work Valve, an inspiration to all developers indeed!

As to whether HL2 does make it out for September 30th remains to be seen. Whatever happens, we'll let you know.


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