Xbox 2 in 2006 retracted

Japanese misprint or Ballmer blurt cover-up? You decide.

Posted by Staff
Xbox 2 in 2006 retracted
Following last week’s revelation that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has dated the Xbox 2 launch for Japan, a report in the originating journal, respected Japanese newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun, has retracted the report over the weekend.

Indeed, rather than the comment of a 2006 outing being made by Ballmer, the paper now says that the article was supposed to make reference to the date predicted by most analysts in Japan.

Given that Microsoft made no reaction to the rest of the world’s press when it ran the story last week, talk is rife of a Microsoft cover up, shielded by the tricky language barrier existing between east and west.

Whatever, something’s a little fishy…


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