Half-Life 2 confirmed for Xbox. Well, duh!

Don't believe everything you read.

Posted by Staff
Relax, it's on Xbox
Relax, it's on Xbox
You may have picked up on reports yesterday that Valve had for some reason decided not to port Half-Life 2 to Microsoft’s Xbox console.

This stemmed from the somewhat hapless Xbox project manager David Hufford, who said to Puget Sound Business Journal, “As of now, Half-Life 2 is not going to be on the Xbox. Valve is sending us mixed messages on that."

This appears to be completely incorrect.

“Half-Life 2 is planned for the PC and Xbox. We've announced the shipping date for the PC version and we'll announce a shipping date for the Xbox version later in the year”, stated Doug Lombardi, director of marketing at developer Valve.

As to whether there was any serious doubt about the Xbox version of what is shaping up to be the world’s most anticipated game remains to be seen, though we can hardly imagine Valve and Sierra turning away the big Microsoft truck laden with unmarked bills.

More on everything Half-Life 2, as it breaks.


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