Colin 4 going to be amazing, says publisher

Modes, cars, tracks and everything!

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Colin 4 going to be amazing, says publisher
The mega-marketing campaign that is the two-litre turbo-charged four-wheel drive power behind the Colin McRae series has gotten underway today, with the revelation that Colin McRae Rally 04 will have a lot of cars, a lot of modes and a lot of tracks.

Seriously though, from what we have been told, the development team will this time pay close attention to comments and complaints from fans, as well as keeping a close eye on the successful offerings of other driving game firms.

Championship, Rally and Stages modes, each with single player or multiplayer options that offer co-operative and competitive team challenges. Championships include a full rally season, specialist four-wheel drive and two-wheel drive events, custom rallies and an Ultimate Expert Championship. Colin McRae Rally 3 was accused of being a little content-light, with an overbearing marketing spin.

It seems that this time, a fuller, richer and altogether better experience will be on offer and we cannot wait.


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