Virtua Fighter Evolution Stupidity

Online reports, rubbished by the proverbial horses mouth

Posted by Staff
Latest reports on a number of widely respected games news sites have categorically stated that Sega are asking European gamers whether they want current king of beat-em ups - Virtua Fighter Evolution - to be released for PS2 in their home territory.

This suggests that its release is being deliberated by the Japanese house of genius in question.

The story comes as a surprise to us - not least because Sega Europe have been actively and outwardly stating that's it's one of their first releases as a fully fledged Euro publisher, but also because in our opinion, it's one of the finest, *purest* games that has ever graced the world of digital entertainment.

To further hammer the point home, a spokesperson for Sega had this to say: "Sega is planning to release Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution for PlayStation 2 across Europe, with a UK release date already set at 20th June, with release dates for other key territories, including Germany, being finalised. There is no need to contact Sega on this matter."

Which pretty much says it all.


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