Sad retro-obsessed loser? Prepare for happiness!

New Atari 2600 and ColecoVision games revealed!

Posted by Staff
Sad retro-obsessed loser? Prepare for happiness!
New games have been unveiled for both Atari VCS and ColecoVision, we can reveal, bringing joy to the hearts of all people who know exactly the best way to de-sticker a twenty year-old cardboard NES case.

Two games, one for the Atari and one for the CV, will be shown at this year’s Classic Gaming Expo.

Mark Klein, the man behind 2600 titles including Subterranea and Pick Up, will be showing Entity, an obstacle-based up-scrolling adventure. Digital Press will be showing Space Invader Collection for the ColecoVision, a medley of Space Invaders in monochrome, Space Invaders in colour and Space Invaders Part II, all ported from the original arcade code!

Expect more from the Classic Gaming Expo as it happens, in Las Vegas, August 9 and 10.


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