Initial D Special Stage augments impressive GameJam Expo

Sega IP power ready for rollout as key event expands

Posted by Staff
Sega Japan has announced several more games to appear at its key GameJam Expo event due to take place in Tokyo and 5th and 6th of April this year.

New games to be featured will include the PlayStation 2 version of the Sega Rosso smash hit arcade racer Initial D: Special Stage. Doubts as to whether the game, which is heavily reliant on its card-reading, force-feedback coin-op cabinet, can be translated to home console will finally be bottomed, as will the rumoured on-line functionality the game said to have.

What's more, Sega has added two GameCube titles to its line-up, following the firm initially planning to show none. These are Sonic Mega Collection, which is already available, and Sonic Adventure DX, a game that is quietly, and somewhat surprisingly, is building a high level of anticipation.

Expect more on all things Sega, and especially Initial D, as they break.


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