Sega in free Nights connectivity shocker!

Two free blasters contained in GC PSO…

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Sega in free Nights connectivity shocker!
Yuji Naka’s Sonic Team has revealed that the classic Sega Saturn game Nights Into Dreams will soon be released for GameCube via the Phantasy Star Online network.

Speaking over the weekend, Naka stated that the full, original game will be released on December 19th this year, as part of a new quest, which hits the servers that day. Complete the quest, get Nights for free.

What’s more, a Game Boy Advance link-up feature will see further Nights action, with a mini-game blaster called Nights: Score Attack.

As this is great news, relating to a GameCube Game, there’s the usual downside for Europe gamers having software and online functionality drip-fed to us. Current estimates put the GameCube’s online rollout way into next year.

However, it’s nice to see Nintendo Europe pouring money into advertising games that won’t be available for a year on the TV over the festive period. Metroid Prime, Zelda and even Final Fantasy have all been shown on TV screens in the UK recently. A far better investment than spending on the non-urgent issues like localisation…


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