Konami breaks its Metal Gear Silence

And seemingly concentrates on substance.

Posted by Staff
Konami breaks its Metal Gear Silence
Konami of Japan has confirmed that it will be releasing an Xbox version of Metal Gear Solid, called Metal Gear Solid: Substance, also to be made for PlayStation 2 and PC.

Nothing is known about the game at present. Whether it’s a rework of MGS2 or a completely new game remains to be seen. The news was sort of accidentally released from within the notes from a Konami shareholder meeting, so detail is scant. We can confirm that Konami is researching the possibility of putting the MGS series online at the moment.

Expect to see and hear all about it from E3.

In other news, Silent Hill 3 for PlayStation 2 was also confirmed, as well as a new game in the Contra series! Cool!


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