Blackley’s new project emerges: Sega connection confirmed!

Game funding, Hollywood-style looms from (e)Xbox man.

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Blackley’s new project emerges: Sega connection confirmed!
Following his recent high profile departure from Microsoft’s Xbox camp, Seamus Blackley, the man accredited with pioneering the Xbox both technically and financially, simply said that he was going to pursue new games-related projects.

It has now emerged that he has set up a company called Capital Entertainment Group. This firm will finance game projects and then sell the results to publishers, using a proven business plan from Hollywood.

The outfit will commence business with between $40-$50 million, a mixture of private investment and a large cash injection, thought to between $15-$20 million, from Durlacher.

“We scour the planet and we turn up the most exciting, innovative ideas," Blackley said. "We fund the process of developing those games; we manage the process of producing those games.”

Incredibly, Blackley stated that he has signed a deal with Sega of Japan to deliver at least two games.

"The thing that will allow our games to be more successful than the industry average is the production side," Blackley continued. "The most important thing for me is creating this little space where there's creativity and freedom combined with enough discipline for a good idea to grow into a great product. When we developed the Xbox, we thought we were providing this powerful platform for people to create cool games. Turns out that's not all you need. You need to look at the business side, too, because developing games is a crappy business."

We will keep you fully updated as this progresses, especially the deal with Sega, which is intriguing to say the least. Perhaps we will see some kind of announcement at E3…


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