Konami Frees MGS Ground Zeroes Content

Once platform specific, content is going multiplatform

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Konami Frees MGS Ground Zeroes Content
Hideo Kojima's personal assistant has revealed that Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes content that was previously locked exclusively to console platforms will be going multi-platform... for free.

The announcement was short, and very sweet, "DEJA VU & JAMAIS VU will be available to download on May 1st (JPT) for FREE!!! Hooray! #コジステ" So, what does it mean?

It means that the "Déjà Vu" mission - featuring Big Boss attempting to rerun scenes from the first Metal Gear Solid and that was locked to PS4 and PS3 will be available for Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

It also means that the "Jamais Vu" mission that sees the return of Raiden and that was exclusive to Xbox One and Xbox 360 will become available for PS3 and PS4.

Cheers to CVG


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