Having already dished up the minimum and recommended system specs for the PC release of Watch_Dogs, Ubisoft has confirmed the top-end ultra specs."We expect a lot of different specs to run the game at a high. But here are the ultra specs for the few who have them and ask for it..."
tweeted Watch_Dogs creative director Jonathan Morin. "Ultra specs : Intel Core i7-4770K with a GeForce 780. The PC video was recorded on an Intel Core i7-3930K with a GeForce Titan IIRC."
You can
see the video in question here.
Morin followed up by saying, "Some AMD users asked for info: The only feature not available to AMD is Nvidia TXAA. HBAO+, although developed by Nvidia, also works on AMD."
You can see the
minimum and recommended specs for Watch_Dogs here.