Despite people being highly annoyed at Battlefield 4's many launch problems, it appears that EA itself is confident that no damage has been done to the Battlefield brand itself.The super-heroically named EA CFO, Blake Jorgensen, has outlined how the company is confident that it can take Battlefield forward into a glorious future while speaking at the recent Morgan Stanley Technology, Media &, Telecom Conference in San Francisco.
"We haven't seen any damage," said Blake straightforwardly. "Clearly we're very focused on protecting that brand. The game has sold well and continues to sell well."
"We've also tried to provide extra content to the consumers to make sure they keep coming back and playing the game and we're finding that it's working very well."
All well and good then.
"I don't see that there's a damage issue. I think for us it's making sure that we're providing great gameplay for the consumer and we'll continue to do that."
OK then. But this does beg the question, "Why release a crappy launch title in the first place, Blake?"