Twitch Abusers Face Xbox Ban

Don't mess around or they can take your Xbox One subscriptions away

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Twitch Abusers Face Xbox Ban
Twitch is coming to Xbox One - which is great news if you want to broadcast your gaming to the word, which millions of people are doing. But be warned... you have to play nicely.

Microsoft and Twitch are both aware that when PS4 came out with its ability to record and stream via its camera, some people did filthy, disgusting, squelchy, abusive and lurid things - and youngsters watched these things... again... and again.... and again. No one wants that to happen again, and again... so Xbox Live program manager Chad Gibson, and everybody's new pal Twitch's vice president of marketing Matthew DiPietro have been talking Twitch and bans.

Gibson told Polygon, "Xbox moderators will be keeping an eye out for abuse of the Twitch app and have the ability to temporarily or permanently ban players. They can also remove their ability to broadcast over Twitch, without banning them."

For his part, DiPietro said, "We are able to quickly remove any inappropriate content that we observe or is flagged by our ever vigilant moderators and users. And we have a close partnership with both Sony and Microsoft regarding moderation processes and teams."

Soure: Polygon


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