PS4 166k Consoles Ahead of Xbox One in UK

But physical game sales down

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PS4 166k Consoles Ahead of Xbox One in UK
The PlayStation 4 outsold the Xbox One by 166,000 units in the UK last year, according to the Entertainment Retailers Association (ERA).

The ERA, quoting figures from Chart-Track, says that 364,000 Xbox Ones were sold, at a value of £144.5m. That's compared to 530,000 PS4s at a value of £181.6m.

The trade body says that the hardware launches provided a huge boost in console sales, although sales of actual games were down 2.9% on 2012.

Lest the year on year comparison didn't dampen our cheer for physical games sales enough, the ERA also points out that the combined next-gen console sales were worth less than half the £1.18bn digital market. On the flipside: go digital games!

"Games continues to deliver digital sales strongly, but it was disappointing that Xbox One and PS4 came so late in 2013 and then huge demand meant stock sold out quickly. Retailers will be working hard in 2014 to maintain the sales momentum of these two great new pieces of kit," said ERA director general Kim Bayley.


Chronaught 2 Jan 2014 11:02
Amazeballs even more because the PS4 is effectively no on sale in the UK given the s**tty stock problems
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