Sony Claims 2.1 Million PS4s Sold Already

Unclear as ever on 'sold' or 'sold to retailers' but still good news

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Sony Claims 2.1 Million PS4s Sold Already
Sony has announced a massive sales success with the PS4 since it launched on November 15th. The company is in fact already saying that this means 2013 is "shaping up to be a historic year for gamers".

Leaving that piece of hyperbole aside for one moment, let's see how many PS4s Sony tells us have been sold.

The word is that, "more than one million gamers picking up a PS4 in just 24 hours. Now, with PS4′s global launch expanding to a total of 32 countries worldwide, including Europe and Latin America, I’m proud to announce that more than 2.1 million PS4s have been sold."

There was even a video posted... we've added some other perspectives too.

Sony's Official Take

Alternative Position

Past History


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