Arkham Origins Developer Defends Controversial Season Pass

Season pass contains more costumes than levels

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Arkham Origins Developer Defends Controversial Season Pass
After the Arkham Origins season pass was announced last week, the internet exploded with fans of the game series kicking up a fuss that they'd receive three parts cosmetic DLC and only two parts gameplay related.

Producer Guillaume Voghel recently spoke up about the whole situation - he says that there's going to be a great deal of value in the season pass.

"The costume DLC is going to be available with the Season Pass and it’s basically a bonus right?" he said. "There’s going to be a lot of value in that Season Pass. One of the items we can’t talk about yet…we’ll just wait for the gamers to really see what the entire package contains. It’s going to be a big deal."

After he'd thoroughly assured the fans that the season pass wasn't just a new wardrobe, he went on to discuss where the franchise was heading.

When he was asked if the next Arkham game would be coming from Warner Bros. or Rocksteady, he was fairly bleak. He did clarify that the Arkham titles wouldn't merge with the movies, though.

Why not check out the season pass details right here?

Cheers IGN


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