Gran Turismo 6 Getting Big Day 1 Patch

GT 6 needs fixing before it's even out.

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E3 2013
E3 2013
Polyphony's lead man and the creative and organisational force behind the once essential Playstation racing game Gran Turismo, Kazunori Yamauchi, has stated that the latest iteration - GT6 - following recent gaming trends is going to have a huge Day 1 patch.

He has stated that, "we've really changed how we make games now. Even now when we're near the end of development we're still creating features that will be provided in this game in updates later on. I think it's a possibility that one day these types of update will be continuing for our titles. More recently, the speed of our output is much, much faster."

He went on to say that, "It's the same every time. Everything's very tight. It's an incredibly tight schedule. As to being able to include everything we want to on day one, we probably won't be able to. I think for the 12 months following the release we'll continue to update the software. Because in Gran Turismo 6 we're preparing a lot of different things we haven't even touched on yet."

Source: Eurogamer


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