Cult Classic TV D&D Knightmare Remade and Here

Gamer's afternoon delight gets rejigged for Geek Week

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Gamers of a certain age will bask in the lovely sight of TV show Knightmare - a D&D outing for the goggle box - in this incarnation made for Youtube's Geek Week.

Yeah, we can't quite work out why GamesMaster wasn't remade (we can, it was licensing wrangles) nor can we work out exactly if Isy Suttie (aka Dobby from Peepshow) says "f*ck*!" in this footage, but check it out below.


Old Codger 6 Aug 2013 17:24
This TV show should definitely get a full remake. It was one of the best shows on TV for kids in the late 80's/early 90's. I've watched the Geek Week episode already and thought it was excellent (aside from the three "friends" who actually were kind of annoying). I'm surprised a show as lovingly remembered hasn't been dusted off sooner, but then again, perhaps because it is so lovingly remembered is why is hasn't been remade ...
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