Titanfall: Respawn Hints Character Progression And Mech Variation

'Differences' between platforms can't be detailed yet

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Titanfall: Respawn Hints Character Progression And Mech Variation
Respawn's Community Manager, Abbie Heppe has recently shed a bit (and we do mean 'only a bit') of light on Titanfall - the main point is that although we've only seen one mech type so far, there will be different variations.

Abbie said in an interview with MK Gaming last month that "There are other playable characters and Titans in the game, but we aren’t showing those yet." - All you can do for now is let your imagination run wild.

When she was asked "Will there be any levelling system? For example, weapon unlocks and upgrades, ‘perks’ and the like?", she replied with "Progression is definitely a part of what we’re doing, but I don’t have the details for you yet."

An interesting question from the interview was whether the Xbox One version's use of the cloud will make the PC and 360 skus worse off.

Heppe told MK Gaming that "There will be differences because the platforms are different but the game isn’t finished yet so I can’t go into detail about what they might be."

We'll have much more on Titanfall as it unfolds. For now though, here's that gameplay demo from E3 - we're very excited, are you?

Source: MK Gaming, via OXM.


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