Post-E3 2013: Namco Bandai Teases a Game Announcement?

What is it!?!?!?!?!?!

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Post-E3 2013: Namco Bandai Teases a Game Announcement?
Whatever happened to game publishers waiting until E3 to announce their new games? Namco Bandai is bucking the trend by teasing the upcoming reveal of a brand new PlayStation 3 game. Whatever it is, it's going to be fully unveiled in three days time.

For each day that's passed this week, the teaser website has been zooming closer and closer towards Earth. Where will it end up? It's more than likely a JRPG with an anime slant to it, but according to reports it could well be a follow up to Tail Concerto and Solatorobo: Red the Hunter.

Apparently, the internet collectively believes that it is a game called Strelka Stories, in development at CyberConnect2. But that's just what people on the internet think. What do you think it's all about? Speculate away in the comments box below!

Via AGB, VG247


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