Curve Studios Unhappy With Xbox One Indie Approach

MD says Microsoft is handing all the creativity to Sony.

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Curve Studios Unhappy With Xbox One Indie Approach
Curve Studios, the developer responsible for bringing Mike Bithell's indie hit Thomas Was Alone to PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, has released a statement in response to Microsoft's decision to not allow self-publishing on Xbox One. And it's not very happy.

In the statement, MD Jason Perkins wrote, "XBLA was a trailblazer last generation, so it's sad to see Microsoft not announcing dedicated support for independent developers on the Xbox One. Refusing to concentrate on easier submissions and discoverability leaves the way clear for Sony to capture the most innovative market in gaming right now.

"Sony's show of support for developers, including showing independent releases not only front and centre on their store front but also during the PlayStation 4 reveal is creating a more open, co-operative market for independent games to enter the living room on a level playing field."

SPOnG has been asking a number of industry names about their thoughts on the Xbox One - you can see what they had to say pre-reveal right here. We'll soon be publishing a feature on their thoughts post-reveal - if you want to add your voice to the feature, please do get in touch.

Via GI


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