Square Enix Unveils Next-Generation Thief Project

Looks quite Dishonored-y.

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Square Enix Unveils Next-Generation Thief Project
Don't call it a comeback - Square Enix has confirmed that a fourth entry in its stealth series Thief is currently in development.

The new game, simply titled 'Thief', was formally revealed in the latest issue of GameInformer. But of course, it has been rumoured for months now, following the uncovering of job listings at Eidos Montreal that mentions a next-generation title featuring "player choice" and "stealth".

Thief has been announced for PC and PlayStation 4, but it "is also planned for other next-generation consoles," according to a Square Enix press release.

"We’re handling a precious gemstone with Thief," said Eidos Montreal's GM Stephane D’Astous. "Fans remember the original games very fondly and we want to preserve that essence - which we have excellent experience of doing at Eidos-Montreal - whilst also introducing Thief to a brand new, next-generation, audience.

"Our goal is to deliver the fantasy of being Garrett, THE master thief, and we’re building this game around that core experience." Oooh, watch yourself Corvo Attano. Someone's got their handbag out.


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