GameStop Veep is a $2Million Crook

Set up own company to steal from gamers and investors - Pleads Guilty

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GameStop Veep is a $2Million Crook
Not everybody who works in business management with a largely pointless job title is a greedy, avaricious prick. But this one is...

Chris Olivera is a former vice president of corporate communications and public affairs for Gamestop in the USA. Chris Olivera has pleaded guilty to funnelling some $2million of gamers' and investors money to his own account.

The Dallas Observer reports that:

"Olivera's guilty plea was filed (on November 1st) along with the indictment. He admits to one count of mail fraud, which carries with it a maximum 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. No word yet from Gamestop on Olivera's case, though his name seems to have stopped appearing on company press releases in mid-2011..."

The scheme he used was simple, he simply set up a company called Cloud Communications and invoiced GameStop. "This went on for nearly two years from July 2009 through April 2011," reports the Observer, "before Gamestop brass began to suspect that it was Olivera, and not Jennifer Miller, who was depositing the checks made out to Cloud Communications. It was the feds who figured out that Olivera was transferring the money he deposited for Cloud Communications into his own personal account."

Source: Dallas Observer


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