Q-Games Abandons PS3, Heads to PC With New PixelJunk

Development blog will allow fans to have a say in design process.

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Q-Games Abandons PS3, Heads to PC With New PixelJunk
Blimey - first thatgamecompany breaks away from PlayStation exclusivity, and now Q-Games. The indie studio's next title in the charismatic PixelJunk series, codenamed "1-6", is being specially designed with PC in mind. It'll launch next year.

As you can see from the image, the new game will retain a lot of the art design elements that made previous PixelJunk games so unique. According to Kotaku, the codename refers to the fact that this will be Q-Games sixth entry in the digitally distributed series, and that the studio will be launching a development blog very soon.

“We’ve decided to reveal all in our new exciting blog about our next PixelJunk title. You’ll see how feature ideas seemingly materialize out of thin air and which ones make the cut," said studio boss Dylan Cuthbert.


Ergo 2 Nov 2012 17:51
I think it far more likely that either those games weren't making much money *or* SONY decided that paying for super niche games wasn't paying the bills, and not that those companies walked away on their own terms.

(*Nobody* walks away from those sorts of contracts unless the company/person they're working for is an absolute tyrant.)
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