If you fancy playing Assassin's Creed III online, you should check to see how much is left in your wallet. Ubisoft is offering micro-transactions for in-game currency so that the time-strapped among you can level the playing field with those who are... not so strapped for time.The currency, known as Erudito Credits, appear to be used solely for the multiplayer mode (the only currency used during the single-player campaign is British Pound Sterling). Bundles will be made available on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace in amounts of 20, 50, 155, 380 and 925.
According to a listing on Xbox Live Marketplace, "Buying this pack will grant you Erudito Credits in-game, allowing you to acquire some game items, disregarding your current level."
Of course, players can choose not to purchase such packs and earn Erudito Credits the old fashioned way - through hard work and gameplay determination. This seems to be, like most other micro-transaction systems in free-to-play games, a way for players to get a lead if they fancy burning the cash.
But, it is a side of the game that Ubisoft has declined to mention until now. With the company making moves towards free-to-play and social gaming on PC, it was only a matter of time before micro-transaction systems were to be introduced into its console games.