Video - LEGO Batman: The Film of the Game of the Toy of the Comic

An extended cutscene? Trailer here

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Video - LEGO Batman: The Film of the Game of the Toy of the Comic
Warner Brothers has released a trailer for LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Superheroes Unite, the movie based on LEGO Batman 2.

When we say 'based on' we mean 'may actually be ripped straight out of'. A lot of the trailer looks suspiciously like cutscene material from the game. The cutscenes were great, of course, but if that's all there is to this package then it won't be all that enticing to anyone who already has the game.

Anyway, the film's been put together by Warner and TT Games and will be available next year via Blu-ray, DVD and download. Here's that trailer:


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