EA Gothenburg Hiring for Next Need for Speed Game

Could hit next-generation platforms.

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E3 2012
E3 2012
Criterion hasn't even got Need for Speed: Most Wanted out of the door, and yet EA already seems to be planning the next one in the series. Newly-formed Swedish studio, EA Gothenburg, is currently hiring talent to build a new game in the franchise, using DICE's Frostbite 2 engine.

On top of this, the developer has also dropped hints that the new game could be destined for next-generation platforms. "Would you like to work on a game in the Need for Speed franchise? We are hiring, and we are hiring a lot," reads the job ad.

"The Studio will focus on developing a new generation of games, and the engine of choice is Frostbite 2." Not surprising, since Gothenburg is currently headed up by former DICE executive producer Marcus Nilsson, who was involved in Battlefield 2: Modern Combat and Shift 2: Unleashed among others.

EA has been lauding its efforts on next-generation platforms so far, with EA Labels president Frank Gibeau calling their current projects "spectacular".


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