Eurogamer Expo 'Booth babes are Not OK'

Video Game Expo Enforces Tougher Booth Babe Ban

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Eurogamer Expo 'Booth babes are Not OK'
As you can tell from our pals at Joypod podcasting this year's Eurogamer Expo was a success in many ways. However, according to EG CEO, Rupert Loman, some companies refused to abide by the Booth Babe rules.

This has lead to Loman hitting the forums and laying his cards on the table, "Booth babes are Not OK: he states baldly. The reason behind this are also laid out:

"At this year’s show three companies showed up with booth babes. Two in particular we thought were dressed inappropriately. As a short term measure we told them to move into the 18+ zone, and we asked some of them to put on leggings as well.

"Although it was only a small number of booth babes, our regret is that we didn’t go further on the first day and just say “this isn’t right” and ask them to change their clothes - or not attend. Instead, with the huge pressures of putting on such a large show and everything that comes with it, we let it go. And that’s what has prompted this debate – and we’re sorry it happened.

"For future shows we will be issuing formal guidelines: Booth babes are Not OK."

Bearing in mind what happened with this story about Booth Babes and sexual harrassment, maybe he has a point.

What do you reckon? Booth Babes are free and fair marketing that give the consumer what they want? Or Booth Babes are the last vestiges of a bedroom industry driven by adolescent desires and sophistication? Let us know in the Friendly and Fair Forum.

Cheers Eurogamer.


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