Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask - Faked Images Hit Retailer Sites

Confusion over how faked images got into GAME and GameStation

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Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask  - Faked Images Hit Retailer Sites
Once upon a time there was a game called The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask on the N64. Everybody got nostalgic over it what with it coming out at the turn of the century and people loving nostalgia. Then in 2012 it appeared on game retailer, The Game Group's, websites...

The mention was noted by NintendoLife. The apparent 'fact' that the game was to come to the 3DS in 2012 made excitement bulge in many areas. Only something was amiss.

A representative for the game retailer spoke up:

"I can confirm that the listings for a 3DS version of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask on the GAME and Gamestation websites were fabricated images,” he or she said. “We’d also be very excited if they were making this game but I’m afraid we have no news for our customers at present."

"fabricated images" - is a nice choice of words given that all images are fabricated if you think about it. This use would indeed leave the door open to the actual release of the actual game on the actual 3DS. But don't hold you breath.

You can, while not holding your breath, ask yourself: "How the hell did that mention appear on those sites?"

Thanks to NintendoLife


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