gamescom 2012: ResidentEvil.Net Service Announced

Rank against your friends in zombie-hunting.

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gamescom 2012: ResidentEvil.Net Service Announced
Resident Evil 6 will launch with more than a massively extravagant special edition - Capcom has announced that it will also be kicking off an online web service called ResidentEvil.Net.

The website will allow players of the upcoming survival horror title to tie up their game saves and series data to a bespoke social account, so that friends and foes can compare high scores and challenge results.

Capcom says that it plans to host special events that will involve the community - such as the killing of 10,000 zombies in a weekend - and will award top-scoring players with 'points' that can be exchanged for in-game or on-site rewards. Apps for smartphone and tablets are also planned.


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