New Console Passes $2 Million in Crowd Funding

Ouya console should be a huge worry to Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo

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New Console Passes $2 Million in Crowd Funding
Last time we looked (about a second ago) the Ouya console we've reported recently has received pledges to the value of $2,273,249 on its Kickstarter page.

If we were a legacy, old Skool, monolithic console maker - hell, if we were Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft, we would be very, very worried by this figure given that the Ouya people (including Xbox co-creator Ed Fries) only wanted to raise $950,000 and there are still 28 days left for the one month Kickstarter to run.

Basically, the worry should be that even if Ouya doesn't get off the ground - even with free-to-play games, tiny form factor and sub-$100 price - the groundswell ($2million+ of it) of opinion is that gamers want a simple, game-playing console. The fact that Ouya can move quickly to market without being weighed down with publisher, third-party and internal politics should also be a major concern.

Bloody brilliant isn't it!


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