Tekken Producer Fed Up of "Whining" Fans' Voice Actor Demands

"Thanks for understanding or not understanding. Whatever."

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Tekken Producer Fed Up of "Whining" Fans' Voice Actor Demands
Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada has had enough of your "whining and complaining". Stop whining! You're all going on about voice actors in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and that really ticks him off.

On Twitter, the ass-kicking Harada went on something of a rampage, following constant requests from fans to bring back voice actors used in past Tekken titles. The producer explained that logistics sometimes prevent this from happening - after calling all those fans out for "spam", of course.

"I believe that, before whining and complaining about everything, you need practice at taking a step back and analyzing things objectively," he wrote. "And also at being an adult." Ooooh, handbags!

"First, the voice you were listening to was 16 years ago, during the PlayStation period. The current generation of consoles are totally different in how they play back sound; both software-wise, and the internal circuitry...

It goes on. "Are you playing games on the same TV you used 16 years ago? What about your speakers? Headphones? They are all the same as 16 years ago? I wonder if it will sound like the same voice as 16 years ago, even with that data."

Harada also explained that it's not guaranteed that actors can reproduce the same voice that they used for recording some 16 years ago. "Many voice actors decline work because their voice has changed since the original role, some have even retired. Sometimes they won't accept, even if we ask." Sometimes, it's not even possible to reuse already-recorded data, as some voice actors and agencies won't allow it.

Fans are also called out on their - admittedly ridiculous - promise to purchase more than one copy of a game if their voice actor requests are met. "But did you really go through with it? Expecting you to at least pre-order the game, I was met with more spam, after you apparently didn't notice that Jun and Michelle actually return," Harada writes.


"I will continue to sincerely comply with fan requests," Harada concluded. "However, I can't continue to engage the negative ones that, without knowing what you are talking about, or even thinking about what you are saying, blindly repeat "bring back, bring back, bring back..."

Whining fans just got served some humble pie. Or is this the rant of a producer who's out of touch? Let us know what you think in the comments box below.


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