Codemasters reveals roster of boxers to face Tyson

Don King would be proud indeed!

Posted by Staff
UK-based Codemasters has unveiled the impressive list of real-world boxers it has signed to face Mike Tyson in the upcoming Xbox and PlayStation 2 title Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing.

Fighters included are Larry Holmes, Tim Witherspoon, Paolo Vidoz, David Tua, Audley Harrison, Frans Botha, Kirk Johnson, Chris Byrd, Oleg Maskaev, Danell Nicholson, Michael Grant, Malik Scott and Dominick Guinn.

As well as motion-captured boxer models and real-time facial animation and damage, the game will include commentary from two of the leading figures in ringside chat, namely Bobby Czyz and Ian Darke.

The game is slated for European release in April in for both platforms.


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